Day 5: Your first piece of content 📔

Thu, June 13, 2024 - 1 min read

(This post was originally shared on X)

I am sharing every day a lesson I learned while building my last products.

You have to create content if you want your product/service to rank. In the past this meant writing for yourself (or hiring for that), nowadays you can get started with AI content. It’s a bit controversial, but it works - see attached the typical trajectory. I don’t advise anyone to copy-paste the output verbatim, but edit according to your taste.

You can start for yourself using any AI tool, however you probably won’t get good enough content to rank. A great article has a proper structure, 2000-3000 words, with Key Takeaways, FAQs, Conclusion AND internal linking (this last is crucial).

Here I strongly recommend using a good service/product:

  • Journalist AI
  • SEObotAI
  • AI Blog Articles I am biased here because I built AI Blog Articles, but it is one of the best I have seen. It was done with the best practices of SEO and generated clicks as you see attached.

Tomorrow let’s talk about massively add backlinks!