Day 9: Get the schema right ⚠️

Tue, June 18, 2024 - 1 min read

(This post was originally shared on X)

I am sharing every day a lesson I learned while building my last products.

The schema markup helps the search engines know what your page is about, as well as linking them to other alternate pages (e.g., social accounts). Google has an excellent resource page that explains everything.

Now, you can test such schema in this page. Make sure to have it tested, a single extra comma can make it unreadable. Google Search Console also has a menu to validate the schema, in case it detects it is incorrect.

Pro tip: if you have single-video pages, there is also a specific schema worth looking at. If you get this video schema right, these videos will show on top of the search results (Google gives them higher priority).

Tomorrow let’s talk again site speed!