Day 8: Clean up all those 404s ⚠️

Mon, June 17, 2024 - 1 min read

(This post was originally shared on X)

I am sharing every day a lesson I learned while building my last products.

Links to unavailable pages signal lack of maintenance on your content, make sure to fix them ASAP:

  1. Get Ahrefs’s free Site Audit tool (sign up here)
  2. Run the first crawl in your website with the standard definitions
  3. Go to the 404 errors and fix them one by one, both for external and internal links.

Pro tip: Ahrefs has two cool features in the Project Settings:

  1. Go to the Project settings, tab Site Audit, tab Crawl Settings
  2. Enable IndexNow for one-click indexing (you need to add a small .txt in your /public directory)
  3. Enable PageSpeed Insights to get the Core Vitals straight from the Google API.

Tomorrow let’s talk again about technical SEO and address redirects!